The official rules of Kendama:

- Start with the basic position (ken or tama in the hand, other part suspended by the string).

- Finish with the two nested parts.

- Do not touch the kendama with both hands at the same time, except at the beginning of a trick, such as for Swing for example, where it is advisable to start with the ken in the playing hand and the tama in the opposite hand (or vice versa), in order to give a controlled impulse more easily than by starting the swing with one hand.

- Do not touch the ken and the tama at the same time with one hand, otherwise the trick is invalidated. For example, if in Lighthouse or Lunar the ken touches the hand holding the tama, then the trick does not count.

- The Kendama must have a string.

- Some exceptions are possible, depending on the game context. Indeed, creativity is always encouraged and if it IS the trick to compromise a rule, then it's ok.